Our Cause

Handmade with Love(less) is proud to partner with the Roatán Advocacy Center for Women in Honduras.

The Roatán Advocacy Center for Women (RAC) provides essential advocacy and support for women and teenage girls in crisis. The RAC team is made up of crisis counselors, case managers, educators, human trafficking survivors and more, allowing trauma and crisis recovery to be addressed from all fronts.

The RAC's main areas of focus are sexual abuse, commercial sexual exploitation, gender based violence, and domestic violence. Specifically, commercial sexual exploitation of both women and girls is on a steep upward climb in Honduras, with Roatán being considered a new hot spot for child exploitation. Many factors have led to this, which makes a multidisciplinary approach to prevention and rehabilitation all the more  important.

There are currently no resources for women and girls in Roatán facing these types of issues. The RAC fills this gap in resources - Women who receive support through the RAC will have access to crisis care, educational services, vocational training, trauma counseling, legal support, and more.

To learn more, click here.